Posts tagged Ubuntu
DeskCon PPA
0I created a Launchpad PPA Repository for the Desktop Packages of DeskCon. This Repo is for usage with Ubuntu Quantal, Saucy and Trusty.
To add the PPA, run these in your Terminal
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:screenfreeze/deskcon
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install deskcon-server
Gnome-Shell Extension
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-extension-deskcon
Unity Indicator
sudo apt-get install deskcon-indicator
Gdiskdump on GitHub
0This is a little open-Source Tool for Linux I wrote a fear Years back. To be more exact, it’s an Graphical User Interface for the Unix Command “dd“. You can easily select the Input- and Outputstream, so you can clone or image your Hard-drive or Partition. The latest Version 0.8 supports compressed Images.
Wikipedia: “dd is a common Unix program whose primary purpose is the low-level copying and conversion of raw data.”
The original Project with Code, Binaries and Deb-Files for Ubuntu/Debian was hosted on Launchpad, but never saw any changes from the Community besides Translations. So, we made a GitHub Repository to provide easier access.